Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

National History
In July of 1935, Mrs. Ollie Chinn Porter, President of the New York Club, extended an invitation to local clubs organized as Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, to join and form a national organization. The Founders were Emma Odessa Young, Ollie Chinn Porter, and Effie Diton of New York City; Bertha Perry Rhodes, Josephine B. Keene, and Adelaide Hardy Flemming of Philadelphia; and Goldeana Pearle Flipping of Atlantic City.
After a year of meetings, the first convention was held in Atlantic City, New Jersey on July 9-11, 1936, at the Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church on Artic Avenue. Mrs. Ollie Chinn Porter was elected as the first national president. The aim of this newly formed national organization was then, as it is today, to attract women of high caliber to organize similar clubs within their communities. Facing the realities of the times, their daring and inspiring goals were to share their experiences and exchange information; to protect their interest and to encourage and develop opportunities for black women in businesses and professions.
The Founders were owners, managers, college graduates, and other professionally licensed women, who had managed to realize some measure of personal success. Over the years, NANBPWC, Inc. has conducted many needed community service activities that go far beyond the original purpose. In a move to re-focus on the original purpose, in 2007, the National Association instituted the LET Institutes (Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Technology] to assist women in obtaining and maintaining skills and expertise in these areas.
The National Association is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization. Some of our affiliations include being a United Nations Non-Government Organization [NGO] Member, an approved charity of the National Black United Federation of Charities #10458; and a strong affiliation of The Black Women’s Agenda, Inc.
New Metro Detroit History
The New Metropolitan Detroit Club traces our origin to the year 1963, when the Detroit Young Adult Club was organized by Myrtle C. Cook and Alberta Davis, members of the Detroit Senior Club. The Young Adult Club was composed of college students as well as professional and business women under the age of 30.
As a result of the inspiration and guidance of Robin B. Owens, this group secured a charter and established themselves as an adult club in 1973. The name The New Metropolitan Detroit Club was selected. Robin Owens, an avid supporter of youth, encouraged the birth of “New Metro” because she felt that young people were a vital resource for the growth and strengthening of NANBPWC, Inc. The receipt of our charter was the first time in the history of the National Organization that a club was re-chartered in a different classification. The thirteen young adults who made this charter possible were: Stamine A. Brooks, Lila Cabbil, Shyvonne Davis, Billie Jean Edwards, Karen Gaskill, Eleanor Harris, Elaine E. Steele, Sheila A. Royster, Saundra Whitaker, Ruby D. Washington, Betty Stepherson, Joyce A. Terry, Celeste Holmes, Beverly Norrell Aitch, Judith Martin, and Janet Martin Whiteside.
In 1975, Gail Conner and Carolyn Brown organized the The New Metropolitan Detroit Youth Club for middle and high school girls was organized. The Youth Club received its charter in 1977 at the National Convention in San Francisco, California. Under the direction of Lila Cabbil and Lydia Hamilton, the The New Metropolitan Detroit Mr. B&P Club for middle and high school boys was initiated. The Mr. B&P Club received its charter in 1987 at the National Convention in Reno, Nevada. The New Metropolitan Detroit Adult, Youth and Mr. B&P Clubs, since being chartered, have consistently received recognition on the District and National levels for programming and service initiatives. The New Metropolitan Detroit Club is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization