The Youth Club
Katerina Tyner
3rd Vice President
The Youth Club of the New Metro Detroit Club of NANBPWC, Inc., is working diligently to equip our youth to handle the many challenges they
are facing in the world.
Katerina Tyner

INSPIRING YOUNG PEOPLE TO…….“Change the C.L.I.M.A.T.E. Within Our Communities.”
The Youth Division of The National Association of Negro Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. invites youth between the ages of 12-18 to get connected with other youth across the country who are focused on our National theme of “Changing the C.L.I.M.A.T.E. Within Our Communities.”
We will achieve this through:
Community Service
Leadership training
Involvement with our districts and local clubs
Mentorship activities
Youth members gain the opportunity to further develop their skills through the following membership benefits:
Participation in the National Oratorical Competition
Essay competition
Rites of passage ceremony
National Youth Convention & District Youth Conference
Mission trip to Africa through the International Affairs Division
United Nation Program Visits
To join The New Metropolitan Detroit Club of The National Association of Negro Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc., please contact us at
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