Angela M. Alexander
1st Vice President
I am delighted to serve as the Programs Chairman of the New Metro Detroit Club of NANBPWC, Inc., and to continue the legacy of our award winning programs!
Angela M. Alexander

The New Metropolitan Detroit Club of The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. consistently strives for programming excellence! We follow our National program mandate called L.E.T.S. which stresses Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Service. Our Service initiative embraces the H.E.E.D. principles of Health, Education, Employment, and Economic Development.
Signature Programs
Founders' Day
Our Annual Founders’ Day Luncheon is set aside to honor our founding club sisters, recognize outstanding community leaders with our Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglass, and Business Woman of the Year awards, present our “Club Sister of the Year” award, and distribute scholarship and incentive awards to deserving high school seniors, follow-up college students, and middle and elementary school students. We partner with several African-American businesses in support of our Founders’ Day. We also support the efforts of small businesses as they serve as vendors at our event.

Think Heart, Think Health
Heart disease is the number one killer of American women. One in four women dies of heart disease. For African American women, the risk of heart disease is especially great. Heart disease is more prevalent among black women than white women—as are some of the factors that increase the risk of developing it, including high blood pressure, overweight and obesity, and diabetes.

We grant scholarship awards to high school seniors, follow-up scholarship awards to college students and incentive awards to elementary and middle school students.

Women's History
We celebrate Women’s History not just in March, but throughout the club year with our “Notable Women in Black History,” series. Each club meeting, we are educated on an African American woman who has changed the course of history with her talents. In addition, we commemorate “Women’s History Month” in March with information, contests, plays, and presentations specifically geared toward historical facts about our local and National club.

Vocal Arts
The “Vocal Arts Competition for Emerging Artists” is one of the “Crown Jewels” in our program. We partner with four other local clubs to host the event: Ann Arbor, Detroit, Flint, and Pontiac. The winning vocalist goes on to compete in the District competition and, if successful, the National competition. The Vocal Arts competition provides a showcase for classically trained African American vocalists.

The L.E.T.S. Programs
​We offer leadership training to women as designed by our National Leadership Institute to prepare women for leadership positions in their career, community, and family.
Training for women interested in obtaining or improving technology skills or seeking certification for a technology related business.

​We encourage entrepreneurship in our “Power of Our Dollar$” program. We keep track of the dollars spent with African American businesses and professionals during the months of November and December. In March, we focus solely on the businesses and professions of African American women. In addition, we support small business owners who exhibit as vendors at our Founders’ Day celebration.

Service (HEED) Health, Education, Employment, Economic Development
​Providing information through programs and initiatives in health, education, employment and economic development that inform, enlighten and strengthen our communities.

Special Programs
Get Ready/Stay Ready: Emergency Prepardness
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Triple the PINK, Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness
​This is a health awareness program designed to prevent and/or improve health outcomes related to Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) through education. The “Triple The Pink” initiative focuses on P.I.N.K. (Preventing and Improving through Necessary Knowledge).

Human Trafficking Awareness
Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including here in the United States. Sex trafficking is one of the world’s fastest growing criminal industries.

SAFE Sound Advice for Effective Encounters
In view of the rise in police shootings, it is essential that we help our young people learn how to respond when interacting with law enforcement officials. Clubs programs and activities should be initiated toward this end. The ultimate, anticipated outcome is building or re-establishing good relationships between young minorities and law enforcement personnel and saving the lives of our youth and young adults.

Domestic Violence
Women are much more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence with 85 percent of domestic abuse victims being women and 15 percent men. Too often women hide the fact that they are subjected to violent conditions. Many are hopeless and have no knowledge of where to go for help. NANBPWC will provide education and information about available resources for individuals who are confronted with similar situations either directly or indirectly.

Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Awareness
Access to maternal health care has increasingly become unobtainable for many patients in the United States. Ongoing financial, staffing, and policy challenges have forced hospital administrators in both rural and urban areas to shutter their labor and delivery units, causing patients to travel longer distances or go without needed care.

Local Programs
MLK Day of Service
​Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday in the United States marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year.
Voter education, registration and mobilization efforts will empower communities to utilize their most powerful tools of community change and advocacy during local, state, and national elections.

Black History Month
Black History Month remains a powerful symbolic celebration and a time for acknowledgement, reflection, and inspiration. The national 2023 Black History Month theme, “Black Resistance,” explores how African Americans have addressed historic and ongoing disadvantage and oppression, as evidenced by recent events.

Register for Upcoming Events
Join us for our upcoming programs and workshops