Community Awards
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Our annual community awards recognize the contribution that volunteers make in strengthening our community and improving the quality of life for residents.
Soujouner Truth Award

Sojourner Truth is our National Mentor. The Sojourner Truth Award is the highest recognition offered by the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. The New Metro Club presents this award to a woman who has given outstanding community service and whose life and work parallel that of the preacher, abolitionist and lecturer--Sojourner Truth. The award is a symbolic reminder of the endless effort which freedom demands. In this modern era, that parallel may be found in looking at the determination, wisdom, and societal contributions of the Black Woman.
Frederick Douglass Award

The Frederick Douglass Award is presented annually to a black man who has contributed time and effort to help black women take their rightful place in every aspect of life. In addition, he is a man who has provided leadership opportunities for advancement, eductional, or vocational training and guidance for the betterment of the black woman.
Business Woman of the Year

In the club year 2013, The New Metropolitan Detroit Club of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc., overwhelmingly voted to present its first Business Woman of the Year Award during the celebration of our 40th Founder's Day Anniversary. Such an individual must be above all an entrepreneur who makes humanitarian contributions and who also has ongoing community and charitable involement. This award also reflects our organizations efforts to seek programs and acitivities that focus on Leadership, Entrepreneurhsip, Technology, and Service (L.E.T.S.).
Club Woman of the Year

The Club Woman of the Year Award is presented to a New Metropolitan Detroit Club Member who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the goals and objectives of NANBPWC, Inc. This person has extended herself beyond the expectations of an active member. Her commitment has been exemplified by providing outstanding service as a leader or team member. A nominee for this award has remained in Good Standing by particiapting in activities and maintaining financial obligations according to bylaws. She has served as a role model and mentor to other club members and to youth club members. She has demonstrated commitment above and beyond her officer's duties, chairperson's duties, or committee member's duties. Her qualities include enthusiasm, dependability, promptness, and a strong sense of club spirit. These characteristics should be apparent this club year and in previous club years as well.